Day 91: I'm still alive
It's been a long time since I've written, but that's because I haven't had internet access for a while. I've moved into my house full time so I've been pretty busy getting my things organized. Thanks to Starspangledtrader for using his blog to update my condition even if it was only for a day.
Well, the shots have been going okay for me recently. It seems to be getting harder to find good spots to give myself the injections. My legs are all bruised up these days, and it seems like I have veins everywhere.
The good news is that the medicine seems to work for me pretty well. My AST/ALT? numbers dropped greatly from the 600-1000 range to around 60-70, which is only slightly higher than normal. My viral load (a measure of how much virus I have) dropped a lot as well, which is a good sign. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be on this treatment, but the doctor says I should keep taking the medicine for a while to beat down the virus.
As for side effects, I'm feeling the usual fatigue, but I also have lost some weight recently. I lost about 14 pounds so far the last 2-3 months. I also seem to be losing some more hair than usual, but that might be just in my head.
How I feel: 8